Welcome to the Northtown Academy Work Program Site
General Info
The work program at Northtown Academy allows high school students to obtain a regents diploma while working part time during the school day at various internships throughout the community. Students receive a monetary stipend for their work and transportation is provided by the home school district. Parents and students will have input as to assigned internships.
Parent Info
Student's must provide the following items to Mr. Furlani before they will be allowed to work.
1. Working Papers ( these may be obtained at your home school guidance dept.)
2. A copy of the student's social security card ( The number alone will not be accepted-we must see the actual card or a copy of it)
3. A Work Study Contract signed by both parent and student
Parents are considered a partner in their child's progress. It is expected that parents will work with the school and enforce all rules on the Work Study Contract
Student Info
Students will adhere to all rules on the Work Study Contract. Removal from the Northtown Academy Work Program will occur if these rules are not adhered to.
In order to be payed on time you must turn in your time sheet in accordance with the payroll schedule which will be given to you.
Your attitude will be responsible for your success on the job. Be
polite and
If you have any problem on the job-see Mr. Furlani immediately .