• (: Welcome!!! To Northtowns Academy Physical Education, Health and Life Skills Department :)
    Hi! My name is Mary Tomczak. I have been with Erie 1 BOCES for 23 years! I have been teaching in Alternative Education for 30 years.  My philosophy is: everyone can pass physical education and have fun doing it.   Everyone can be healthy and learn the skills to live a happy, productive life.


    The Physical Education Department’s objective is to assist in developing students into a well adjusted individual: physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Through the varied activities of the program, the department hopes to provide challenging and satisfying experiences in meaningful movement, self-expression, physical well being, and knowledge and techniques of sport activities.

    soccer bullet     I can be reached at:  mtomczak@e1b.org or 961-4040 ~ ask operator to transfer call or leave me a written message and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
     teacher vs. students thanksgiving volleyball tournament
    Teachers vs. Students Annual Thanksgiving Volleyball Tournament
    What fun was had by all who participated! Three full teams of students and two full teams of staff ~ played all afternoon. The teams all rocked the gym and I am so very proud of all the students who participated.

    General guidelines for Physical Education – Females (Revised January 2014)


    Have fun.

    Learn to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake, I make mistakes all the time.

    Learn to play a sport or a game that you can play for the rest of your life.

    You only get one body in this life time, learn how to take care of it!

    Be kind and gentle with your peers ~ not everyone was born to be a natural athlete.

    If at first you don’t succeed,try, try again.

    If all else fails, get up, get dressed,and get moving.

Last Modified on February 3, 2014