• Hello ! Welcome to Knab!

    Name: Mrs. I. Knab
    Email Address: @e1b.org (iknab)
    Phone number: 876-7200

    Welcome !!!      
    A little bit about me and our class.......
         I've been working for Erie 1 BOCES for  over ten years. During that time I have taught in both the Academic Strand and the Functional Strand from elementary to high school. This is my first year at Cleveland Hill High School.  
         My class is a Functional Livings Skills Program that incorporates functional academics, work study, and community training. Our curriculum revolves around building good work skills and habits in a variety of settings. From arrival to dismissal, we stress and practice any skill that will enable the student to reach their maximum level of independence.
    Enter Room 134  Mrs. Knab's  Website  and
    Hang Out for a While..............