
    Class Schedule

    6th grade Exploratory subjects include  Art, Music,and Home and Careers each lasting 13 weeks.

    7th grade Exploratory subjects include Music, Art, Home and Careers and Health (10 Weeks long)

    8th grade Exploratory subjects include Art, Music, and Home and Careers.(13 weeks long)

    Physical Education is every other day


    Bus Dismissal 7:48 


    Period 1     7:58-8:41

    ELA All Students

    Period 2     8:45-8:41

    MATH 6 
    Languages 7
    Encore 8

     Period 3     9:31-10:13

    Science - All students

    Period 4   10:24- 11:10

    Exploratory 7
    Math 8

    Period 5 11:07-11:53

    Exploratory 6
    DEAR/Lunch 7
     Language 8

    Period 6 11:57-12:43

     Study Hall  6
    Study Hall 7
    Lunch/DEAR 8

    Period 7 12:47-1:29

    Encore 6
                      Math 7
                       Exporatory 8

    Period 8 1:33-2:15 

    PE/ Study Hall 6

                          Encore 7
                           Social Studies 8

    Period 9 2:19-2:50 

                              Encore 6

    Social 7

                           PE/Study Hall 8

    Dismissal 2:50 


Last Modified on April 29, 2014