• bus

    Attendance & Punctuality 

    Attend class twice every week and be on time. There is no bell for Science: it is up to you to know the day and time you have Science and arrive on time. Since this class meets only two times per week for 45 minutes per class, you MUST BE ON TIME and you must remember to bring your homework assignments when due. Late entrance into class will cause you to lose 10 of your possible 50 class participation points for the day.

    This adds up quickly…

    If you are illegally absent you will receive ZERO participation points out of a possible 50 for that particular day. Therefore you must bring me a copy of your excuse for being absent in order to get those points. Obviously if you are not in class, you are not participating.

    If you are absent you are required to make-up all work. Assignments will be posted at my door. You are to make up the assignment and return it to the next science class or it will be counted as a zero. So be sure to get missed work ASAP. It is your responsibility.

    Missed quizzes or tests will be made up the day you return to science.
Last Modified on October 23, 2008