• From Beowulf to Nadsat:

    A Journey Through British Lit.

    Below is a list of what we will be reading through out the year in Senior English. The class will take us from the beginning of British Literature with Beowulf and end with a visit Alex and his droogs.  I will most likely expand on the list.  If you click on the links for each reading sections you will find links to assignments, student work, possibly blogs, and other resources.

    Calendar--Assignments and other important dates.

    Old English--Beowulf

    Middle English--Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales

    New Modern English--Shakespeare and Henry V

    The Romantics and Dracula

    The Time Machine

    Nadsat and A Clockwork Orange

    The Senior Research Paper
    One major requirement for graduation is the research paper.  This process includes finding a topic of interest, doing research, taking notes, using the writing process to produce multiple drafts, and writing a bibliography.  These skills will be important for you not only in your future classes, but also in careers and in every day life.  This year you will be trying something a little different: a multigenre research paper on a topic or theme of your choice.  Below is a link to the research packet.

    Due Dates:
    January Grads--January 23rd, 2009

    June Grads--June 19th, 2009

    Senior Research Project

Last Modified on December 14, 2008